• The World is a Big Place

    Let's stay connected.

Why do we have ambassadors?

The International Stage Hypnotists Association is in its early existence, but we are already an international organization with members from ten countries.

Our mission is to foster a vibrant community of hypnotist entertainers who are committed to delivering captivating, engaging, and transformative experiences for audiences worldwide while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

We’re looking for professionals who are deeply passionate about performing hypnotism and who want to be of service to the profession. Having ambassadors in as many countries as possible will allow us to stay informed about legal issues and cultural developments related to hypnotism around the world, and it will help us support our members and their advancement in the profession.

What do Ambassadors Do?

  • Hold one online meeting per month

    Hold a monthly meeting with fellow ISHA members in your country to connect, support one another, and collect any feedback that needs to be brought to the organization.

  • Assist in Developing Multilingual Resources

    Spend one to two hours per month helping to translate the website and Learning Archive content into your native language so that it is more accessible for all users.

  • Communicate with ISHA

    Share what you’re learning or hearing from your country with the ISHA board so that we know how to best support you!

Current Ambassador List

BelgiumLudovic Corvilain
CanadaRichard Cole
FranceAlexandre Leleu
NetherlandsJeff Benink
United Kingdom

We’re a Volunteer Organization

Remember, nobody in the International Stage Hypnotists’ Association is paid for their work. Our board members, committee members, and ambassadors are all volunteers. We give our time and expertise because we love this profession and want to see it do better and better.

If you believe in our mission, and you want to support entertainment hypnotism in your country, becoming an ISHA ambassador could be a great way to get more involved.

How to Become an Ambassador

Ambassadors are appointed by the Board of Directors. If you would like to serve as an ISHA Ambassador for your country, send us an email requesting to speak about the position.